Constitution / Local Rules



Established In 1922


The name of the club shall be The DEACONSBANK GOLF CLUB. The home course will be Rouken Glen Golf Course.


The objects of the club are to promote the furtherance and playing of the game of golf to the rules of play as approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews.

To institute and carry through annual stroke and match play Competitions for the benefit of Members of the Club.


Membership of the Club shall be open to the following.

  1. Ordinary Members: Adults over 17 years of age.

  2. Membership will be restricted to 32 as agreed at the Annual General Meeting.


Application for admission to Membership must be made to the Secretary of the club and each applicant must be recommended by at least one member. Each application shall be considered by the committee of management. Until the elected candidate has paid the required subscription such candidate shall not be deemed a member and shall not be entitled to enjoy any privileges of the club. New member's will serve a 2 month trial period and if deemed unsuitable by the Committee their subscription will be returned of which £20 will be retained by the club. DEACONSBANK


The office bearers of the club shall consist of:- Captain, Vice Captain, Secretary, Match Secretary, Treasurer, plus a maximum of 2 ordinary members. Office bearers may hold more than 1 role if required.

Handicap Committee

Shall consist of - Captain, Match-Secretary and Treasurer.


The management of the club shall be vested In the Committee consisting of the Office Bearers, together with Ordinary Members, who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting . Any casual vacancy may be filled by co-option at the discretion of the Committee.


To arrange Competitions, the regulation of handicaps and generally to transact all business of the Club. At all the meetings of the Committee, the Captain, whom failing a senior Member of the Committee presence shall preside. The Chairman shall, in all questions, have a deliberate vote as well as a casting vote, if necessary. Two Member's of the Committee shall form a quorum at all Committee meetings but 3 are recommended.




Convenes all meetings of the committee of management when required to do so. Responsible for handling all correspondence on behalf of the Club and shall give notice to each member of the Club ; or the Committee respectively of all Club Meetings. Will keep records of all meetings and all business transacted at such meetings and submit for approval at the next meeting.

Match Secretary

Responsible for checking all score cards responsible for the upkeep of handicaps and the posting of handicaps in a conspicuous place in the clubhouse.


Responsible for correct accounts and books showing the financial affairs and intermissions of the Club and shall submit to the Members at each Annual General Meeting a Statement of Accounts for the preceding year. Such accounts shall bear to have been previously submitted to a meeting of the Committee of Management and shall be agreed at the Annual General Meeting.



Each member shall pay an annual subscription; as shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting: which must be paid by the last Saturday In March. The Entry Fee for new members shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.


Members taking part in competitions must be accompanied by another Member. Non Members are not allowed to take part in any competitions unless they are in the process of joining the club.

Non Members may play on Saturdays provided there are a guest of a member and there is space available on the day.

Score cards in any competition must be returned to the Committee.


Non Members will only be allowed at the discretion of the Committee.


A General meeting of the Members shall be held each year at the end of the season for the purpose of receiving reports from the Secretary and the Treasurer for the preceding year; for the election of Office Bearers and Members of the Committee for the ensuing year and the transacting of any other relevant business. The Secretary shall text details of the AGM and request members submit any agenda items in advance of the AGM. Any proposed changes to the Constitution must be in the Secretary's hands at least 3 days prior to the meeting.


A Special General Meeting of the Club may be called by the Club Secretary by a requisition signed by at least three members. The requisition shall state the business of the Special General Meeting and no other business shall be competent thereat. A text specifying the business, place, date and hour of the meeting shall be sent to each member by the Secretary at least seven days before the meeting. The inadvertent omission to give notice to any member shall not however, invalidate any resolution passed Quorum

At all general /special meeting of the club, there must be 5 ordinary and 2 committee members present to form a quorum. The captain, whom failing the Vice-Captain shall be the chairperson. Should neither be present the members present shall elect a chairperson of the meeting.

All questions at General / Special meetings shall he decided by a majority of votes or the members present . Each member shall have one vote unit in the case of equality of votes. The chairperson in his deliberate vote shall have a casting vote.

Minutes shall be taken at all meetings, i.e. Committee meetings, Annual / Special meeting and a brief synopsis of the record will be at available from the Club Secretary.



Members must play a minimum of eight games in a season to continue in membership.


No alteration shall be made to the foregoing constitution except at an annual general meeting.




13. BYE-LAWS CONDUCT OF THE MEMBERS ( Refer section 14 )

Any member acting in contravention of the rules of the club and persisting in doing so after being warned by the committee; or any member who shall be guilty of conduct prejudicial to the interests of the club shall be subject to;

(a) Reprimand (b) Severe Reprimand (c) Final warning or in the gravest of circumstances expulsion from the club.

Members, who were viewed to be in serious breach of the disciplinary code, would be called to appear before the committee for an explanation or to state their defence. Any member, who is not satisfied by the recorded punishment awarded by the committee, may appeal to all the club members in accordance with the constitution (Paragraph 11 (2) Special / General Meeting)

Dress code

Members must observe the dress code in all Club Competitions ie. shirt with collar to be worn In all competitions. No denims. In summer time - shorts will be permitted but must be smart i.e. tailored (no football shorts)



14. Deaconsbank Golf Club Local Rules & Code of Conduct

Deaconsbank are a small Social Golf Club run on a voluntary basis and rigorous procedures and rules would be against the ethos of the club. However, there are issues which will at time need some form of Club decision / sanction and these local rules and code of conduct are designed to do this within the spirit of the Club.




Local Club Rules as detailed below and can only be amended at the club AGM.

Playing Partner's must confirm all of below.


1. When Preferred Lies are declared : when a player's ball lies in part of the General Area, refer R&A Golf

Rule 2.2 regards General Area, cut to Fairway Height or Less the ball can be preferred as follows.

Mark position of ball, lift, clean and place within 6 inches of marker not nearer the hole.


2. Rouken Glen 5th hole : free drop if ball lands in the ditch at the top of the Fairway if between yellow

markers. Applies all season.


3. Rouken Glen 16th hole : provided ball is not out of bounds free drop if ball is lost down left hand side.


4. Only when Abnormal Ground Conditions are declared for the Winter Season : ball lost in an area where

partners agree it should have been found, not in Heavy Rough, free drop in the area where it is agreed the ball

landed. Note that the Playing Partners must confirm that they saw the ball land in that area.


5. When a player's ball lies in a hole, not a Divot or a Footprint, in a Bunker or in part of the General Area,

refer R&A Golf Rule 2.2, cut to Fairway Height or Less then a free lift, clean and drop would be given.

In General Area : mark position of ball, lift, clean and drop within 6 inches of marker not nearer the hole.

In Bunker : note position of ball, lift, clean, fill in hole and smooth over then drop where ball was lifted.

Bye Laws

  1. Competitions played when preferred lies are on : results will count towards handicaps.

Code of Conduct.


1. Help create and maintain an environment free of fear and harassment.

2. Demonstrate fair play and apply Golf’s standards both on and off the Course.

3. Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself.

4. Respect physical, cultural and racial difference.

5. Treat all Golf Club and Committee Members with respect.

6. Minimise use of foul language.

7. Avoid publicly using critical or disrespectful descriptions of others.

8. Be open and honest with handicaps.

9. Recognise and respect the public's right to roam on the Golf Course.


Breaches of code of conduct : Disciplinary Process.

1. Complaints must be E-mailed within seven days of when the incident happened. Use the issues E-mail on the

Deaconsbank web site detailing when the incident happened and who was involved.

2. The Secretary / Captain shall forward a copy of the complaint to the member in question and request a written

response within 7 days and undertake any further investigation required.



3. If complaint is judged by the secretary / captain to be resolvable between the parties without involving referral

to the club disciplinary committee then they can arrange an informal meeting to do so with the parties involved.

4. If previous 1 to 3 fails to resolve the issue or the incident is judged by the Secretary / Captain to be of a serious

nature then the case will be referred to the Club Disciplinary Committee. At this stage the member, or members,

will be denied access to our Club's Competitions until the situation is resolved.

4a. A Disciplinary Committee (DC) will be formed with at least 2 Club Committee Members.

4b. The DC will decide on the seriousness of the complaint and potential penalties.

4c. The DC will call the disciplinary hearing inviting the complainer, accused who may be accompanied

by a supporter.

4d. The DC will hear evidence from both sides and retire to make a decision.

4e. Notification of the decision will be made in writing to the accused.

Our Partners